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Published: at 12:00 AM

Today, I went to swim at Nanjing Olympic Center. Though it’s my first time to do it, I think I’ve done the best. Even now I feel it’s very interesting.

Long long ago, I wished to go to swim. However, there always wasn’t enough environment. About two months before, qq bought a swimsuit for me. Besides, I’m free today, it seemed that there was nothing to do today in the morning, So I decided to go to swim.

About about 12 o’clock, I got into the natatorium. After taken off clothes and had a shower, I was ready to dive into the swimming pool. Then a guy stopped me, and demanded me to wear a swimming cap, so I bought one. After that, I began to study swimming by myself. However I dare’t to open my eyes in the water,so later I bought a pair of goggles. Now, every equipment was ready, and I start my journey of swimming.

Today there wasn’t anyone to guide me, so I learned to swim by myself. Thank goodness, before coming to swim, I study it through videos on the YOUKU. Following the instructions, I first practiced breathing in the water, it’s very easy. Then I tried to float in the water still, and it’s easy too. Finally, I even can swim from one side of the pool another side, with only four stops. Of course, there were still lots of problems. For example, now I still can’t breathe in the process of swimming, so I have to stop to breathe. It’s too bad, and I must master it next time.

Today’s exercise is perfect, swimming is a very good method to lose weight. I love it. I think I would continue to swim in the following days.

See you, swimming.


New words:  swimsuit, natatorium, swimming cap, goggles,

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