We live in an internet-based world. In the internet, everything is free. You can get news, communicate with others, write documents, buy goods, and so on. Sometimes you would feel that you can do anything through the internet.
It may be true, only when your time is free and your attention is free. In order to find a valuable document, you would have to waste 2-3 hours. Sometimes your time what you spend in search is more expensive than what you find. Besides, in the internet there are so many advertisements. You are interrupted often by some interesting things that are designed specially for you. In undisturbed environment, we can work efficiently. But in a disturbing environment, you can’t anything.
Another thing what should be considered is ecosystem. In the internet we are consuming products that others produce. If they don’t get enough pay, they would no longer produce. Gradually, there aren’t any thing valuable in the internet.
Besides, if you want someone to do something, the best way is to pay them. They will be glad to do what you tell them. Actually, the relationship among humans is the relationship of values. Only values flows, then thing can be done, then the society is developed.
So, if you find someone does something valuable, support them by money.
Tip: Don’t be a free user is another good explanation.